Where to find Balangay and The Big Switch in the next two weeks (and other news)
If you haven’t tried The Big Switch, we will be up and about in these last few weeks of the Holiday Season. Thanks to all those who were at the previous demos 😀
If you haven’t tried The Big Switch, we will be up and about in these last few weeks of the Holiday Season. Thanks to all those who were at the previous demos 😀
Hi guys 🙂 We have news concerning The Big Switch including the free companion App, Demos, where you can get the game, and updates on our online store.
So, how exactly do you play The Big Switch? In today’s blog, I will explain the basic rules of the game 🙂 Since this will be a brief description of the game, I’m not going to go into the special rules … Continued
Hi! Nico from Balangay Entertainment here, sorry for long absence. We’ve been so busy the last three months that I’ve had no time to write in this blog. We’re still alive and kicking if anyone’s wondering and have some exciting … Continued
Today I want to talk about a game changer for me when it comes to designing games 😀 Pilot’s Frixion pens!
Hi Trese Fans! Sorry for the long silence concerning Trese Case Files. We’ve been busy at work on it for the last two weeks.
Testing a tabletop game is often very tedious because there are so many bits and pieces to track and manage. Today, I want to share one of the tools I coded to reduce the time spent shuffling decks. You can … Continued
Hi, Nico here. My two previous posts about game design were about theory. For today, I thought I’d share something more practical. I will give a step-by-step tutorial on how to quickly prototype different unique cards using a spreadsheet program (in … Continued
Last June 15, renowned game designer Eric Lang tried two of our games: Energy Superstar™ and Trese Case Files. He gave some great feedback and tips on how to improve our game design process. In this post, I’ll be writing about what … Continued
When I first started my blog a month ago, I wanted to post every week to challenge and force myself to write. I didn’t have to write long or deep things; I just had to write and write. Less than a month later, … Continued